The Michigan Opportunity

S4. Ep 17 - Ambassador Susan D. Page, Professor of Practice of International Diplomacy at the Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan & Professor from Practice of Law at Michigan Law

June 05, 2024 Michigan Economic Development Corporation

From South Sudan to the University of Michigan, A Must-Listen Journey in International Diplomacy and Law

Ambassador Susan D. Page has a fantastic story of international diplomacy, peaking with her appointment as the first US Ambassador to South Sudan. Her illustrious career at the US Department of State includes significant roles in Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Botswana, Rwanda, and more. She has worked directly with the African Union and served as Acting Permanent Representative to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Additionally, her intriguing personal story from experiences growing up in America and the influence of her mother, adds a compelling dimension to her distinguished career as an asset to U of M and the State of Michigan.